Friday, January 30, 2009


I think I have a spoon thief residing in my house... I used to have a setting of 12 spoons and now I only have 2 left. So I was thinking that maybe the dishwasher ate them, but that thought quickly went out the window. What I really think happened: we have this black hole in our attic - things go up there, never to return again... Could it be because that's where my son's room is???


Reticent Meanderings said...

Could be the black hole in the attic! I have caught people in my home mindlessly heading to the trash with spoon in hand after doing things like eating yogurt. As I don't have a black hole in my attic, I suspect some of my missing spoons went into the trash can . . . :P

Jerzeyjeep said...

LOL - yeah with 3 teenagers in the house - nothing surprises me! Hope all is well on your end...

Knifeboy said...

I have had the same problem, but it's with the front door. every time a child (or wife) moves out of the house, half of my tools disappear. It's like magic or something.

Cherished Memories said...

LOL...we have a bowl thief!! We use to have a ton of bowls for cereal and now I think we are down to like 3 maybe 4. Seems they have disappeared into thin air...hummmm!

Jerzeyjeep said...

I'm so glad it's not just me... I also have a problem that at the end of summer - I have more beach towels than I did in the beginning of the summer... Go figure.