Monday, February 9, 2009

What the hell happened????

I woke this morning to find that someone removed the color from my hair and left all my gray... Damn I hate getting old....


yackydoodle said...

I know it won't work for you but as I keep getting more grey I cut my hair shorter so it doesn't show up as much.

Reticent Meanderings said...

There are ways to cope with such things, but you could become "chemically dependent." ;)

Cherished Memories said... know I was thinking the same thing this morning as I drove to work. Looked in the rear-view mirror and all I could see was GREY!!! I don't remember there being SOOOO many!! Scared me!!

Jerzeyjeep said...

yacky: LOL - I could just shave it off too!!!!

charm: chemically dependent - I think I already am but for different reasons...

cherished: I can't handle things like that first thing in the morning.... makes me want to drink earlier and earlier...

NoWay said...

Grey??? oh no! I don't have any grey. I have the same natural color that I had when I was young. Of course I spend a pretty penny making sure of that too! I do believe my hair stylist has a huge beautiful house to show for it.
It is certainly the pits getting older.

Knifeboy said...

Huh. The same thing happened to me. I know that guys are supposed to be okay with getting gray- it looks "distinguished" and all that crap- but not me. I wish I was still blonde. Now, if I could just get the thin spot on top to fill in...