Wednesday, January 21, 2009

What do you think?

Sunday night, in talking with my daughters, we started to discuss what they were working on in computer class. They proceeded to complain about the teacher and how he doesn't give them much time to do the work. C & S started talking about the next project, which is a design brief. Well I've never heard of that, so they tried to explain, but it was only getting me more confused. So I went to the teacher's website. On the website, he gave an overview of what a Design Brief was, along with what was required for the project. Okay, so I'm a little slow here - I still didn't understand what he was talking about, so I went to wikipedia and searched the term "design brief". Well to my surprise, the definition wikipedia gives for a design brief, is the same exact wording found on the teacher's website.

So here's my question to all: would you consider this plagiarism? If so, how would you handle it?


Knifeboy said...

Yeah, it's plagerism. Me personally, I think I would send the teacher an email letting them know that I knew.

Jerzeyjeep said...

That's my thought too!

NoWay said...

I think I would be sly with it. Send him an email with the link. Then ask him to explain.

Anonymous said...

It absolutely is plagerism. You're supposed to cite the source if you copy something verbatum.